ACDEVEG 2019 Conference Program
Vocational knowledge and social justice: Putting pedagogy in its place – Keynote presentation by Kevin Orr, University of Huddersfield
What does Aristotle have to say about Australian VET Teachers? – Erica Smith
How good VET teachers support student learning through individually targeted approaches to feedback – Nina Storberg
Understanding how higher education’s growth in public vocational institutions reconceptualises the Australian tertiary system – Elizabeth Knight, Sue Webb & Shaun Rawolle
Literacy and numeracy strategies for the VET classroom through a learning pedagogical lens – Liam Frost-Camilleri
VET Teacher Learning in the Workplace: Enablers and constraints – Susanne Francisco
My experiences undertaking a university qualification in adult and vocational education – Troy Everett, Head Teacher TAFE NSW
Delivering and assessing supervised teacher practicum programs in the Vocational education and training environment – Suellen Loki
Disadvantaged learners in VET; relevant findings from NCVER research on online delivery and the recognition of prior learning – Kristen Osborne
The Effectiveness of Upgrading Certificate IV in Training and Education. Insights from a Survey of Candidates – Nikolai Bogduk